
Getting Tabular Object Model from Power BI XMLA Endpoint

It’s very easy to get TOM (Tabular Object Model) for datasets hosted in Power BI Service and extract various metadata from it (tables, measures, etc.). We will do it just now using a simple C# console application and download TOM for one sample dataset using Power BI User credentials. Similarly,…

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Accessing the Power BI Admin API as Service Principal

End of the year 2020 Microsoft extended the Power BI Service API with new admin access-related endpoints and added the option to use Service Principal instead of a dedicated administrative account for connection. You can read more details on it in this official Power BI  Blog post. In this step-by-step…

Power BI API Connector (sample application)

PowerBIApiConnector is a simple console application that will help you to test two things: a connection to Azure Active Directory and that you have properly configured an Azure application to access the Power BI Admin Read-Only API. Application is created in .NET.Core 5.0 and you can download it as: PowerBIApiConnector_Executable…

Create a new Power BI administrator

In this step-by-step tutorial, we will create a new user in Azure Active Directory, sign him for the first time in the Power BI cloud service and promote him to be the Power BI administrator. This will allow the user to perform full administration of the organizational Power BI tenant….

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Saving Microsoft Forms responses to Azure SQL with Power Automate

One of our customers was facing the issue of how to save responses from Microsoft Forms to Azure SQL database. The initial idea was to go with Google Forms and Zappier but we have recommended the use of Microsoft Forms to stay inside the Azure environment instead of being split…

Switch IP addresses between two Azure VMs

Changing an IP address of Azure virtual machines isn’t a complicated task. Simply locate the VM in Azure Portal and change the IP of it. A little bit more complicated is the scenario when we would like to switch IP addresses between two existing virtual machines. This scenario may be…

Dynamic Data Masking in Azure SQL

Dynamic Data Masking is available for Azure SQL Database as one of the main security features. There is more on Data Masking on Microsoft Docs. I don’t want to repeat all these technical details, but rather provide you with a simple tutorial on how to set up Dynamic Data Masking…

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Configure Azure SQL Transparent Data Encryption With Your Own Key

Transparent Data Encryption is by default configured for Azure SQL Database to use service managed key. This means that Azure is managing encryption keys for you with 90 days rotation. If you have some regulatory or data privacy requirement you can change the default setting and encrypt Azure SQL Database…

Backup and restore database in Azure Storage Account

Creating backups of user databases from an on-premise environment to Azure Blob Storage is an easy task. You need to configure Storage Account in Azure where your database backups will be sent. Then you can reference this newly created storage container directly from SQL Server Management Studio when creating a…

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