Reporting Services samples for AdventureWorks2017

AdventureWorks is the sample database for SQL Server. It is updated with every new release of SQL Server major version and you can download it from its official location. Samples for SQL Server Reporting Services were built against this database a long time ago and the most recent version can be found on Codeplex archive. If you will check the data sources it’s called AventureWorks2008 – yes, it’s that old. Look like there is nothing newer regarding SSRS samples. That’s the reason why I have updated this old solution to work with the AdventureWorks2017 database and you can download it later in this post.

The original solution was modified this way:

  • upgraded to VS 2019
  • changed Data Source to AdventureWorks2017 and added a new one for AdventureWorksDW2017
  • renamed reports to remove “2008” from the name
  • updated default values for parameters (dates) to match AdventureWorks2017 sample data
  • created new report Customer Internet Sales to have also one sample report for AdventureWorksDW2017 database



The report in the VS designer:

Samples uploaded to Reports browser:

Sample report detail:

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