Backup the entire table into a new table:
SELECT * INTO [dbo].[NewTable] FROM [dbo].[ExistingTable]
Select only particular columns into the new table or rename existing columns to new names:
SELECT [Col1], [Col2] AS [NewCol2Name] INTO [dbo].[NewTable] FROM [dbo].[ExistingTable]
Limit and filter the number of rows in the new table using TOP and WHERE:
SELECT TOP(10) * INTO [dbo].[NewTable] FROM [dbo].[ExistingTable] WHERE [Col1] = 'Value'
Create a new IDENTITY column:
SELECT IDENTITY(INT,1,1) AS [Id] INTO [dbo].[New_Table] FROM [dbo].[Existing_Table] GO
Copy table data to a new table in a different filegroup (SQL Server 2016 SP2 and higher):
SELECT * INTO [dbo].[NewTable] ON [DifferentFilegroup] FROM [dbo].[ExistingTable]